Sometimes we need someone to help us get past life’s hurts, losses and disappointments.

I’m Mike Wadel. I’m that guy…

That Grief Guy

My Message – It’s time to rediscover the joy of living…


We define Grief as the normal and natural reaction to LOSS OF ANY KIND.

Those losses include but are definitely not limited to death, divorce, verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse, neglect, rape, abandonment,  loss of a job, loss of a dream, loss of safety, lose of innocence,  loss of trust, loss of faith, loss of hope…  You feel stuck in regret, or anger, or fear… How we react to those losses and process the hurt is critical to moving forward, free from the debilitating weight and pain that often accompanies loss.

There are many words for it, but they all represent things that we wish had been different, things we wished had been better, or things that we wish we had more of; Unrealized hopes, unmet dreams, unreasonable expectations… grief.

Your first consultation is on me